Security mistakes you shouldn’t make at your gated community

One of the biggest concerns for the residents of a gated community includes security. Having an effective security system will not only keep the residents safe, but also help you keep up your reputation and the residents from fleeing.

Dark Security provides various security services ranging from providing with security guards to logistics. In this blog, we will look into the common mistakes that you want to avoid to realise effective living in a gated community.

1. Unsecured Entry

Keeping a track of who is going in and out is very important. Sophisticated burglars can easily manipulate the system to get in. Keeping track of the incoming and outgoing registry is therefore very necessary.

2. Occasional absence of security officers

Absence of security officers create a security breach for the residents, making it easy for the thieves and burglars to secure an entry to the residential area. Dark security takes care that nothing of this sort happens when their men are on duty.

3. No direct contact with the security

Direct security contact details should be shared with all the residents of the complex so that they are able to contact the security whenever in need.

4. Incomplete visitor logs

Comprehensive visitor logs helps in auditing the total entries made and their details. This helps in keeping the complex safe.

Dark security has been in business since 1999 and one of their main USP is the quality of service they provide with. It’s a multidimensional company and is reputed for providing with quality product and effective services, hence making it one of the most reliable Top security companies in Kolkata.

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