Common Summer Pests and the Best Ways to Prevent Them

The sultry summer not only brings discomfort to our lives but swarms of insects and pest activity that invade our homes, office, and almost every possible place. Summer for insects means pest activities in full-time mode, as during this period they collect food and water for the winter season before they go into hibernation. It is true every organism is important and holds an essential position in the food chain to maintain the ecological balance, but it does not mean they have the right to ruin our living or working space or lead to the spread of infection. To ensure your home and surrounding space are free from summer pests, you must hire professional disinfection services in Kolkata who can offer you the best pest solution.

Common household pests found during the summer

While nature is the habitat of several insects, there are a few common pests visible in almost every household or property. We have listed a few of them below:

 1. Ants: Harmless to human health but true invaders who will enter your property with an army and form a small colony wherever they find a safe place to store food for winters. Within no time, you will spot them here and there crawling all over your place.

Actions must be taken as soon as you spot the first colony. Keep your home clean; particularly the kitchen. Do not leave food and water bowls outside overnight. If you have a garden or lawn keep the trees and bushes trimmed, and seal cracks and holes. It is impossible to stop them from entering your property but you can\’t stop them from thriving by simply seeking professional help.

2. Mosquitoes: These tiny insects buzzing around put great danger to human lives. Agents of diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Chikungunya etc, and mosquito infestation must be taken seriously.

Eliminate all stagnant water spots in and around your property, as mosquitoes look for such spots to lay and develop their eggs. Use mosquito traps, candles and scents designed specifically for keeping the mosquitoes away. Call for best pest control services in Kolkata to make your home, office or workspace clean and safe.

3. Fleas: If your pet is at home, then you should be ready for the invasion of fleas who look for food as the temperature rises. Flea allergies are common, the bites can be itchy and painful, and they transmit diseases.

Keep your pets on preventative flea medication, regular baths, clean bed and routine visits to vets can keep them free from fleas and your home safe from possible infections.

There are several other pests such as flies, bees and wasps that are common in the summer season and need to be rid of. While some have to be eliminated, others have to be relocated such as bees. The pest solution has to be chosen according to the problem, hence it is advisable to let the experts do the job, such as Darks manpower, one of the best disinfection service providers in Kolkata offering quality solutions to all your needs.

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